
Our Curriculum Overview

A Commitment to Excellence

We strive for excellence in everything we do at Global Concord Virtual University. From our experienced professors and rigorous academic programmes to our innovative virtual learning environment and comprehensive student support services, we strive to provide our students with the highest quality education possible. We are committed to continuous improvement and remaining at the forefront of education by embracing new technologies and pedagogical approaches.

We hold ourselves to the highest academic standards and are proud of the accomplishments of our students and faculty. Our commitment to excellence extends beyond the classroom, as we work to create a welcoming and inclusive community of students who are prepared to succeed in their chosen careers and make a positive impact on the world.

Certificate Program in Psychological Counseling

The Certificate in Psychological Counseling course at Global Concord Virtual University is intended for students who want to work in counseling or a related field. This course provides a thorough introduction to psychological counseling theories, methods, and techniques, including psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, and humanistic approaches. These theories and techniques will be taught to students in a variety of counseling settings, including individual, group, and family counseling. This course also covers ethical and legal issues in counseling and allows students to develop practical skills through role-playing exercises and case studies. Students who complete the Certificate in Psychological Counseling course will have a solid foundation in counseling theory and practice, as well as the skills needed to work effectively with clients in a clinical setting.


Certificate Program in Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT)

Global Concord Virtual University's Certificate in Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) programme is designed for students who want to gain expertise in CBT and learn how to apply it in practice. This course gives a thorough overview of CBT theory and techniques, such as identifying and challenging negative thoughts, changing behaviors, and developing coping strategies. Students will learn how to use CBT in a variety of situations, including anxiety disorders, depression, and substance abuse. This course also discusses ethical and legal issues in CBT and allows students to develop practical skills through case studies and role-playing exercises. Students who complete the Certificate in CBT course will have a solid foundation in CBT theory and practice, as well as the skills required to work effectively.

Certificate in Applied Clinical Hypnotherapy

The Certificate in Applied Clinical Hypnotherapy course at Global Concord Virtual University is intended for students who want to learn more about hypnotherapy theory and practice. This course provides a thorough introduction to hypnosis and its clinical applications, such as pain management, stress reduction, and behavior modification. Students will learn how to create and use hypnotic induction techniques, conduct client assessments, and create personalised treatment plans. This course also addresses ethical and legal issues in hypnotherapy and allows students to develop practical skills through case studies and experiential exercises. Students who complete the Certificate in Applied Clinical Hypnotherapy course will have a solid foundation in hypnotherapy theory and practice, as well as the skills required to work effectively with clients in a variety of settings.

Post Graduate Diploma in Psychological Counseling

Global Concord Virtual University's Post Graduate Diploma in Psychological Counseling course is designed for students who want to deepen their understanding of counseling theory and practice, as well as develop the skills required for advanced practice in the field. This course covers a wide range of counseling theories and techniques, such as psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, and humanistic approaches. Students will also learn how to put these theories into practice with clients in a variety of counseling settings, such as individual, group, and family therapy. Advanced topics covered in this course include multicultural counseling, trauma, and crisis intervention. Through supervised counseling practicum experiences, case studies, and other experiential learning opportunities, students will be able to develop practical skills. Following successful completion of the Post Graduate Diploma in Psychological Counseling program.

Post Graduate Diploma in Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT)

Global Concord Virtual University's Post Graduate Diploma in Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) course is designed for students who want to deepen their understanding of CBT theory and practice, as well as develop advanced skills in this evidence-based approach to therapy. This course covers CBT theory and techniques in depth, including cognitive restructuring, behavioural activation, and exposure therapy. Students will also learn how to use CBT in a variety of situations, including anxiety disorders, depression, and personality disorders. Advanced topics covered in this course include relapse prevention and incorporating other therapeutic modalities into CBT. Through supervised clinical practicum experiences, case studies, and other experiential learning opportunities, students will be able to develop practical skills. Students will have an advanced understanding of CBT theory and practice, as well as the skills needed to work effectively with clients in a variety of clinical settings, after completing the Post Graduate Diploma in CBT course.